A hello from our heart
A song from our soul

From the streets of Bangkok to the mountains of Bogor, our travels and our missions fill our days with joy.

The Spirit of Project Artitude

Project Artitude is a platform that allows people to come together to share their passion for the Arts and to use the transformative magic of music to change lives. We believe that every little contribution matters. Every thought of kindness, every gesture of goodwill - like the initial brush strokes on a canvas or the first notes of a manuscript - all combine to create a masterpiece. We believe in this symphony of Joy, this tapestry of Hope.


View our stories & events here

Morning of the World – Exploring New Beginnings

Singapore Special Voices/ SG Enable Concert


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One voice can ring through to reverberate a million hearts. Your journey could be with us. Who knows who out there could use your helping hand


About Us

Project Artitude was founded by Leslie Tan of the T'ang Quartet

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The Founder

Project Artitude was created by Leslie Tan of the T’ang Quartet. Wildly passionate about music, he wants to share...

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